Charles Marion Schindler was born July 1, 1898 in McLean County, Kentucky to parents William M Schindler (abt 1873-1935) and Harriett Maddox (1875-1921). I post this first as a note for my readers of what is to come. I was originally going to write this post about him, but I decided to skip back a couple of generations to kind of put down some roots before we get to Charlie.
What is first and foremost important with this particular Schindler family is the question of immigration. I have seen many people ask in genealogy forums about Charles Marion Schindler immigrating from Germany. It was actually his grandparents who immigrated. Charles’ parents were William M Schindler (abt 1873-1935) and Harriett Maddox (1875-1921). William M Schindler’s parents were Gottlieb Schindler and Anna Marie/Mary Gottachlich* (see reference to 1860 census below). Gottlieb was born between 1829 and 1831 in Germany, though I cannot make out exactly where. Anna was born about 1837, also in Germany, although I have not yet found the exactly location.
Gottlieb Schindler’s birth location in the Kingdom of Prussia. Share your guesses or your knowledge in the comments section!
Gottlieb arrived in the United States on December 26, 1854, according to Castle Garden records.
Gottlieb and Anna married in Indiana on October 4, 1855.
In 1860 they are found in 8th Ward, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee (p. 34). Gottlieb is marked as “C Schindler”, aged 29 years, a butcher, born in Prussia. Also listed in the household are Annie M, aged 23 years, born in Prussia; Gottlieb, aged 3 years, born in Indiana; Henrrietta, aged 1 year, born in Kentucky; and Robert Geutleitch*, aged 14 years, born in Prussia (I can’t help but wonder if Robert is a brother to Anna and her maiden name is Geutleitch rather than Gottachlich).
Gottlieb enlisted in the Union Army on May 18, 1862 in Shelbyville, Bedford County, Tennessee. He was discharged on April 23, 1863 due to varicose veins on his legs. His discharge papers describe him as 5’7, fair complexion, blue eyes, and light hair.
In 1870, Gottlieb and family are found living in the Rockport area of Ohio Township, Spencer County, Indiana (pp. 26-7). Gottlieb is listed as “Godlieb” Schindler, aged 40 years, a butcher, born in Prussia. Also in the household are Annie, aged 34 years, born in Prussia; Joseph, aged 13 years, born in Indiana; Henrietta, aged 12 years, born in Indiana (different from 1860); Lewis, aged 5 years, born in Tennessee; Mary, aged 3 years, born in Indiana; and Henry, aged 2 months, born in Indiana.
In 1880 the family is found living in Masonville Magistrate District, Masonville Precinct, Daviess County, Kentucky (p. 2). Gottlieb is lists as Gottlieb Schindler, aged 49 years, farmer, born in Prussia. Others living in the household are Mary, aged 42 years, born in Prussia; Gottlieb, aged 23 years, farm laborer, born in Indiana; Louis, aged 15 years, farm laborer, born in Indiana (different from 1870); Mary, aged 13 years, born in Indiana; Henry, aged 9 years, born in Indiana; William, aged 7 years, born in Indiana; and Emma, aged 4 years, born in Indiana.
1880 is the last record I have been able to find for Gottlieb at this time. According to Find A Grave, Gottlieb and Anna are both buried in Fairmount Cemetery, Central City, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. There are no death dates listed for them, though.
A few things I ran across while researching Gottlieb that I noticed many people seemed to have added to their trees without really paying attention.
1. There is a passport issued in 1872 to a gentleman named Gottlieb Schindler, however he is not this particular Gottlieb Schindler. According to the passport, that Gottlieb is 6’1 with black hair and brown eyes. This is completely opposite of this Gottlieb.
2. As you may have noticed, Gottlieb Jr was listed as Joseph in the 1870 census. They are the same person, although some people have the names listed as two different people.
3. Also concerning Gottlieb Jr/Joseph, I noticed a lot of people have his birth year as about 1852. This is due to enumerator handwriting and transcription errors. The examples:
In 1860 Gottlieb Jr is listed as 3 years of age and the transcription also lists him as 3 years of age.
In 1870 Gottlieb Jr is listed as Joseph and his age is listed as 13 years of age. The transction says 12 years of age (I totally understand this error, though).
In 1880 Gottlieb Jr is listed as 23 years of age. The transcription says 28 years of age.
4. Other errors I have noticed include city directories when Gottlieb wouldn’t have even been 10 years of age, and Anna not even having been born yet; several Gottliebs living in different cities with different wives in the same enumeration year; and several immigration dates with several different ages.
I hope I can somehow find Gottlieb and Anna’s death dates for the family. Also, I will continue to look for more information concerning Anna.