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mailbox rental

this is ancient.


To the Summers Family about the stove I saw that you refinished.
I had one just like that was in my storage shed and the shed burned clear to the ground in a fire in May. I'm trying to figure out how much it cost and to purchase one so my insurance co. will pay for it. They insist on a value and I'm not sure how to find it.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

Digging Up Your Family

Hi Nancy! I haven't been able to find any information on this particular model. Since the company has been sold and resold it's difficult to find the information on it. What you can do is find someone in your area that knows about antique wood stoves and see if they can help you. I'm sorry to hear about the fire. Hopefully, though, the stove is still in ok condition!

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