I wish I knew what newspaper this write-up was in, or the year (though from the article we know the photograph was taken in 1909). I’m actually not even sure why this was written, except to announce the children all lived to adulthood.
Realizing that they had been blessed to the limit of God’s goodness in the gift of twelve children, all living and all highly respected men and women who with their respected parents appear in the above picture the proud father and mother concluded for once since their birth to have them home for a family reunion, which took place at their home near Dalton, Ky., July 11th, 1909, when the above picture was made. Surely there are few parents in Kentucky so fortunate to rear to noble man and womanhood, an even dozen children to call them blessed. The re-union was a happy and long-to-be-remembered one with every member present and in splendid health.
They are, from left to right, bottom row, Annie L. born Nov. 12th, 1871; Lizzie O. born Jan. 6th, 1878; the father, Thos.. A Frazer born Jan. 22nd, 1835; the mother, Mary J. Frazer, born March 24th, 1849; Kitty H. born Jun 11th, 1883; an Mattye B. born Oct. 23rd, 1892.
Top row, left to right, Jos. H. born Jan. 1st, 1868; Dr. T. Atchison, a highly respected physician, of Marion, and president of the board of health, bon Nov. 12th, 1869; Isaac S. born Nov. 17th, 1871; Jno. S. born Nov. 1875; Thadens A. born Nov. 18th, 1880; Wm. A. born July 3rd, 1884; Clifton R. born Oct. 19th, 1887; and George P. born May 1st, 1890.
Three of the twelve children were born in January, 1 in May, 1 in July, 2 in October and five in Novembe. If there be a more remarkable family than this in Kentucky let their pictures appear.
This article appeared on page 2 of the August 27, 1909 edition of the "Twice-A-Week Record-Press" published in Marion, Crittenden County, Kentucky.
Here is a link to a digitized image of the page found on the Library of Congress' Chronicling America web site:
Twice-a-week record-press. (Marion, Ky.), 27 Aug. 1909. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.
Posted by: Steve Eskew | 05/05/2014 at 08:37 PM
Thank you so much, Steve! I haven't done too much research on the family, aside from the information that was handed to me in a giant box. I will have to start gathering more information!
Thanks again!
Posted by: Stephanie | 05/11/2014 at 12:41 PM