If I have tracked down this couple correctly then this is my relationship to Malcolm McMillen and Minerva Worsham:
Virginia Marie Stalls (mom)
James Paul Stalls, Jr (granddaddy)
Minnie Virginia Richards (g-grandmother)
Minnie DeMumbrie (2nd g-grandmother)
Cornelia Ann McMillen (3rd g-grandmother)
Malcolm McMillen/Minerva Worsham (4th g-grandparents)
I searched and searched and searched (and searched some more!) and I *think* I have found Cornelia A McMillen's parents. I haven’t been able to trace them back to any particular McMillen or Worsham families, so anyone out there in internetland, feel free to help! (and, of course, when I find information I will post it)
(note: after searching around on the internet I discovered that Cornelia A McMillan is probably actually McMillen. unless all of the records are wrong, in which case I apologize. the only place I have found it as McMillan is in my Granddaddy’s baby book and the 1860 census. that baby book also has Caroline McQueen as Carolyn, but all records I have found are Caroline.)
On January 19, 1831 Malcolm McMillen and Minerva Worsham married in Maury County, Tennessee.
Within about two years after their marriage their daughter Cornelia was born. However, it is not until 1850 that she shows up by name on a census with them. This is because up until 1850 only head of household was named on the US Federal Population Census, though there are some states that conducted their own census reports that listed other family members.
In 1840 the family is found in Tipton County, Tennessee. Head of household is Malcolm, listed as M.G. McMillon. Everyone in the household:
2 males between 20 and 29 years of age
1 male between 30 and 39 years of age
1 female between 5 and 9 years of age
1 female between 20 and 29 years of age
1 female between 60 and 69 years of age
1 male slave under 10 years of age
1 male slave between 10 and 23 years of age
1 female slave between 10 and 23 years of age
I’m guessing that one of the males between 20 and 29 years of age and the female between 20 and 29 years of age are Malcolm and Minerva. The female between 5 and 9 years of age would be Cornelia. I’m not sure who the others are, though.
In 1850 the family is found on the census living in District 14, Shelby County, Tennessee. They are listed as:
M.C. McMillen, age 41 years, born in Tennessee
Manerva McMillen, age 40 years, born in North Carolina
Cornelia McMillen, age 18 years, born in Tennessee Also living with the family is a man by the name of William P Day, age 24 years. Not a single person living in the household has an occupation listed. In fact, under occupation for Malcolm (M.C.) it actually says “none”. This is also the very first time we get to see in which state they told the enumerator they were born.
The 1860 census has the whole family moved to Mississippi. While Cornelia had married (John) Spencer DeMumbrie and was living in Tunica, Tunica County, Mississippi, her parents weren’t that far from her. Malcolm and Minerva are shown living in Austin, Tunica County, Mississippi. They are listed as:
M.G. McMillan, age 50 years, a farmer, born in North Carolina
M.H. McMillan, age 50 years, born in Virginia So the place of birth changed for both of them.
Sometime between 1860 and 1870 Malcolm died, most likely in Tunica County, Mississippi. Cornelia had also died within the same time frame. By 1870 Spencer DeMumbrie had moved with his daughter to Austin, Tunica County, Mississippi and Minerva is living with him, most likely to help raise his and Cornelia’s daughter Minnie. In the household are:
S. DeMumbrie, age 49 years, a planter, born in Tennessee (this is Spencer)
Clara DeMumbrie, age 13 years, born in Mississippi (this is Minnie)
Jane Gilcris, age 19 years, born in Tennessee (this is Spencer’s future 2nd wife listed as Effee Jane Gilchrist on the marriage record)
Mary McMillen, age 62 years, housekeeper, born in North Carolina (this is Minerva)
Ellen Johnson, age 60, born in South Carolina (I don’t have a clue who this is) Again, the place of birth changed.
By 1880 Minnie had married Jerome Richards. Spencer had married Effee Jane Gilchrist and disappeared off the face of the planet (at least until I find where they went). Minerva is found on that census living with Minnie and her family in District 1 and 2, Tunica County, Mississippi. Living in the household are:
J.E. Richards (Jerome), age 24 years, a farmer, born in Arkansas, both parents born in Tennessee (this last bit of information is, of course, wrong)
C.A. Richards (Minnie), age 21 years, wife, keeping house, born in Mississippi, father born in North Carolina (wrong), mother born in Tennessee (wrong)
J.E. Richards Jr (Jerome Jr), age 2 years, son, born in Mississippi, father born in Arkansas, mother born in Mississippi
M.H. McMillen (Minerva), age 70 years, grandmother (to Minnie), at home, born in Tennessee, both parents born in Virginia (not yet sure) The other people found living in the household are boarders: J.A. Matthews, Ellis Sholley and Barbary Shipp. Once again, the place of birth has changed for Minerva.
There is no census for 1890, of course. Jerome and Minnie are found living with their family in Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee by 1900 and Minerva is not living with them. I feel it’s safe to assume that she died sometime between the 1880 census and the 1900 census, especially since I can’t find her on any 1900 census (unless she was nice and spry and remarried).
So, now I just need to find the families of Malcolm and Minerva. I also have a feeling that Effee Jane Gilchrist is somehow tied into either the McMillens, the Worshams or both.