A few weeks ago I was roaming around the local antique store, and I happened across a binder full of documents from different counties in Georgia. The very first record was an "original" copy of the will of Obedience Ryan in Jackson County, Georgia, dated 1838.
John Nance and Archabald Moon
Jackson County
I Obedience Ryan of the State & County aforesaid being in a Low State of Health but Sound and perfect in mind & memory and Knowing that it is appointed to all ones to Die Do make this my Last Will and Testament to Wit
1st In obedience to the Last Will & Testament of my Late husband Phillip Ryan Sr. Decd. I Request that my negroes will REmain on the Plantation upon Which I now Live During their Lives under the Superintendance of John Nance & Archabald Moon and for the net proceeds of their Labour to be applied to the use of my Daughter Elizabeth Hall and in Case of her Death to the use of my Son Whitehead Ryan I further wish that if my son Whitehead Ryan desires it he shall be supported by the Labour of Said negroes and then the Proceeds to be applied a abov directed
2nd for the use of the Said negroes I Give all my Plantation one Sorrel mare my Interest in a Cart & Oxen belonging to Phillip Ryan and myself together with a flax wheel & Loom my present Stock of hogs & two milk Cows
3rd I Give to Sarah Dyer thirty five Dollars being a ballance of fifty Dollars Left her by the will of her Grand father
4th to my Grandson Westley Nance I Give Twenty Dollars
5th to my Grand Daughter Susan Lampkin I Give all my Household furniture and my Bed and also Such Tract or Tracts of Land as may be Drawn by me in the Contemplated Land Lotteries to her and her heirs also one Cow & Calf
6th to my Grandson Lewis Lampkin a horse & Saddle and a Good Suit of Cloaths to be Given him on becoming Eighteen years of age
7th I Request one bed may be Left in the house Whare I now Reside for the use of my Son Whitehead Ryan
8th I Request that a certain Tract of Land Drawn by Phillip Ryan and Lying in the 20th Dist Early County be Sold by Whitehead Ryan and the Proceeds to be Equally Divided between himself and his Sister Elizabeth Hall
9th I Request that all my horses & Cattle which are not otherwise Disposed of be Sold and the money applied to the payment of my Debts & to the use of my Daughter Elizabeth Hall
10th I Desire that the Tract of Land upon which I now Live be after the Death of my negroes be Divided between John Nance and Archabald Moon
11th I hereby appoint John Nance and Archabald Moon Executors of this my Last Will and Testament In Witness Wharras I have here unto Set my hand and Seal this 8th Day May 1832
Obedience Ryan
In presence of
John Park
Samuel Hancock
Sml Smith
January 8th 1835 I do this Day Revoke or Recall What I have Done as Respects Giving my Grandson Lewis Lampikin a horse & Saddle and Suit of Cloaths as he has Left me I therefore have changed my motion
Obedience Ryan
Assigned in the presents of
SM Smith
Lewis J Sharp
Ann Smith
Jackson County
Personally Came into Open Court Sml Smith Lewis J Sharp & Ann Smith on oath Saith that they Saw Obedience Ryan Sign the Within Will and that they Signed the Same as Witnesses and that they believe that she was at the time of Sound Mind and Disposing Memory Sworn to in open Court 3rd Day of Septr 1838
Sml. Smith
Lewis J Sharp
Ann Smith
John G Pittman C.C.O.
Recorded 4th of Septr. 1838
John G Pittman C.C.O.